Leadership that creates a narrative first and then seeks data to support it pays a significant price: the loss of...
Podcasts Articles
Answering the Question of Leading Work-Life Balance
Many CEOs and executives aspire but struggle to achieve a work/life balance. With the majority of them working more...
Building a Culture of Being Difference Makers!
Vision & Engagement. Two words that are discussed in board rooms across the country. Driving any organization...
Shaping Culture Like a Professional Sports Team
Standing on the steps waiting for my car, I turned to my left and found myself standing next to Jamey Rootes,...
A Conversation with Art Lucas – Part 2 & 1
In this second episode of my visit with Art Lucas, founder of the Lucas group, one of the largest executive...
A Conversation with Art Lucas – Part 1 & 2
Impact is a word that drives careers. What you accomplish is based on how you impact your job, your clients, your...
A Conversation with Scott Eblin: “Leaders Control the Weather!”
It’s been fun researching best practices of world-class leaders. When I spoke to Scott Eblin, President of the...
A Conversation with Jill Hickman
If the thought of building a strategic plan makes your eyes glaze over, welcome to the club. Harvard Business Review...
A Conversation with Rob Andrews
Based in Houston, Rob Andrews is Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Allen Austin, a leadership advisory and...
A Conversation with Dr. Rob Pennington
Dr. Rob Pennington is an Award-Winning Professional Speaker and Author of an amazing book, Find The Upside of the Down...
A Conversation with Mark Sanborn
Today is the launch of our podcast series Leadership Strategies for Tomorrow’s Leaders. A forum for Industry leaders...