I have a debilitating disease that throws off my focus, robs me of energy, pushes my attitude over the edge beyond cranky to insufferable. It is not Mono or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, rather one of the most common illnesses society faces today. My loved ones have diagnosed it as Blurriness from Busy-ness. The cure is produced not in pill or liquid form but in a four letter word: REST.
The hectic pace and demands at work and home create a yearning for more time, more space. Yet the answer is not in MORE, it is FOCUS within the time we are given. Today, in my quiet time of prayer and reflection, these words were given to me.
Rest on God and He will replenish!
Rest on Him and realize the small steps I take will be empowered by His love and grace. Rest my head on the shoulder of my Heavenly Father and He will provide answers, resources and the outcome He desires for me and those He has placed in my care.
I rest not by escape from duty, rather from releasing outcome to my Lord and focus my attention on output.
Rest comes not from release of the journey but reliance on His direction and providence. When I look back on my life, it is clear that He has always been there to carry me through the obstacles I have faced and guided my steps around the corners I navigated. I must not look to the future with fear, rather excitement as to what He will reveal of himself.
Be recharged not by hours of slumber, rather by being reminded to stop occasionally throughout the day and simply breathe. Under strain we interrupt the way our body is designed. Slow, deep breathes allow God to refocus our attention and rejuvenate our stride.
God has given us the gift of the process of rhythmic breathing patterns, the magnificent creation that our body comes with a sense of order by His design. He creates order; Satan seeks to divert our attention from it.
We cannot run without breathing. Be reminded in the middle of adversity that His breath brought life into us; His breath is in every molecule of oxygen we inhale.
The Psalmist in the Old Testament scribed in Psalm 42:1-2
As the deer pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, my God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When can I go and meet with God?
Occasionally throughout today I will stop to breathe, to look around me in wonder of all the places I see God in my presence, where He reaches out to meet with me.
God is better than a pill. He is my rest, my refuge.