
What people are saying about Mike


What people are saying about Mike

March 24, 2022

I have had the great pleasure of working with Mike as my coach for the last year.  During this time, I have gained considerable clarity on what I want for my business and my clients.  Mike challenges my thinking, pushes me to achieve more, and draws the best out of me.  Coaching is about making good great, and in that, Mike has helped me achieve results now that I thought would be years down the road.  The best part is that he approaches all of this from a place of profound love and caring.  I am a better businessman and a better person because of Mike.

March 24, 2022

I was introduced to Mike through a wonderful mutual friend of ours, a fellow recruiter. Mike is great at getting you to think in a new way, with an emphasis on practical planning & execution of those practical plans. Mike helps you analyze & change your current perspective or paradigm into a more useful & optimistic outlook, focused on what is possible - not just what is probable. When I attended Mike's seminar in Texas, I had gone 10 months without producing a cent with my business. After leaving Mike's seminar, I placed 4 candidates in a matter of 4-6 weeks, generating over $50,000.00 of income for my company. 

In closing, go to Mike's seminar. His pricing is more than fair and your ROI is going to be through the roof. Thanks for everything, Mike!

March 14, 2022

"Mike is one of only a handful of speakers I have heard who truly crosses over, who after touching your heart, moves up to your brain and gives you the words that will come out of your mouth and lead you where you’re meant to be."

March 14, 2022

"Every time I hear Mike speak I am impressed with his uncanny ability to make learning effortless. Through his gift of storytelling I have watched him mesmerize audiences all over the country. If you want a speaker that knows your business, understands how to teach the business, and relates well to any group, you want Mike Lejeune for your next event."

March 14, 2022

“Mike Lejeune is someone you can trust to get the job done and get it done well.  He is very knowledgeable with a vast range of expertise and will come with his own ideas, yet he works hard to deliver content that aligns with your vision.  With Mike, you can have confidence that you will receive top-tier service.”    

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Authorized Partner of Jill Hickman Companies

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