In today’s fast-paced business environment, leadership engagement is key to boosting productivity, building stronger relationships, and fostering effective communication. As leaders, we are responsible for controlling the emotional “weather” within our...
In a world where cultural diversity is increasingly the norm, the correct pronunciation of names is more important than ever. Names are more than just words—they reflect who we are, and they deserve to be spoken with care and respect. While this topic is garnering...
Vision & Engagement. Two words that are discussed in board rooms across the country. Driving any organization requires both, and are the key catalysts Gregg Matte uses to lead one of the largest and fastest-growing church organizations in the country. He...
Standing on the steps waiting for my car, I turned to my left and found myself standing next to Jamey Rootes, President of the Houston Texans. I summed up the courage to introduce myself and ask if he would be open to sharing his thoughts on what it took to engage...
Today, growing your business takes more than the gift of selling ice cubes to Eskimos. A huge disruptor in the market is developing an effective data management process that creates direction and energy. C. Lee Smith President/CEO of SalesFuel® – a multi-million...
If you want greater influence at work, if you want to be the leader people want to work with and follow, there is no more valuable resource than EQuip to Lead.
Have you ever got to the end of a week of heavy calls without much to show for the effort? Making calls IS important – but more important than the number of dials is your daily gameplay to create the exact results you’re aiming for.