The recruiting process is supposedly designed to ferret out talent a potential employee possesses, to provide insight in selecting the right person to join our team. So why do people appear to succeed in previous roles, then fall short of expectations when we...
Many of us have dreams that almost seem like a fantasy. Today I’m witnessing a dream become a reality right before my eyes. When Nikki was 10 years old she walked up and boldly declared “I want to be a Vet.” When I asked why she explained, “I saw...
Mike’s Podcast Series
Book: EQuip to Lead
The Extraordinary Power of Emotional Intelligence
If you want greater influence at work, if you want to be the leader people want to work with and follow, there is no more valuable resource than EQuip to Lead.
Have you ever got to the end of a week of heavy calls without much to show for the effort? Making calls IS important – but more important than the number of dials is your daily gameplay to create the exact results you’re aiming for.