The fog of war. For me scenes from Saving Private Ryan, Hacksaw Ridge, We Were Soldiers are the closest I’ve been to a battlefield. The chaos of battle blurs vision, impairing the decision-making process of both leaders and the boots on the ground. Not to be...
I made a slide for a virtual presentation I’m doing next Tuesday that keeps running around in my head. The new norm: average and normal will not create enough energy to turn the tide we are all facing. As the business marketplace experienced massive...
Someday…I will… How many times have I made that statement? I’m not talking about procrastination which I can be a master at. I’m talking about good ideas that one day I’ll get to. Something that needs to be done but while important, it’s not urgent (at...
Mathew McConaughey is known more as a movie star than a philosopher. Yet in an interview with Jon Gordon, I listened to Mathew respond to the question of what drives his standard of performance, rising to an Oscar-winning actor. His response caught me off guard...
Over the past few weeks I’ve been flashing back to a comment made by the CEO of the company I worked for right out of college. He boldly stood at the lectern during an awards program and proclaimed “there is a recession going on and we choose not to...
Mike’s Podcast Series
Book: EQuip to Lead
The Extraordinary Power of Emotional Intelligence
If you want greater influence at work, if you want to be the leader people want to work with and follow, there is no more valuable resource than EQuip to Lead.
Have you ever got to the end of a week of heavy calls without much to show for the effort? Making calls IS important – but more important than the number of dials is your daily gameplay to create the exact results you’re aiming for.