Leadership that creates a narrative first and then seeks data to support it pays a significant price: the loss of...
Motivation Articles
Fake News or False Focus
Numbers continue to flood the internet, attempting to capture our attention on the heavy burden the constriction in...
Searching for Connection
My father, Joe, was a tremendous force in my life. As a little boy, I couldn’t wait to see the door open when...
Unleash the Power of And and How
I joined Steverson & Company to change the world of recruiting. Asked to start up a new division with just...
How Do I Lead A Remote Workforce?
How Do You Battle Turmoil?
Today’s news cycle offers minimal clarity, only a future of chaotic uncertainty. Cascading stock market....
Building a Culture of Being Difference Makers!
Vision & Engagement. Two words that are discussed in board rooms across the country. Driving any organization...
The Power of “What If”
What if has had both a paralyzing and catapulting effect on my life. At the age of 23, I began the battle of...
How Better Beats Best!
My heart sank when our Pomeranian, Penelope Lynn, escaped the front door and careened across the yard, heading...
Raising the Bar
I really didn’t want to work out this morning. I had a very late night at the computer compiling notes from a...
Does Past History Help to Predict Future Performance?
The recruiting process is supposedly designed to ferret out talent a potential employee possesses, to provide...
A Father’s Day Reflection on the Most Important Gift You Give
You would think the scoreboard would indicate how successful a professional football team is. "That's only part...