The search for dramatic change in our lives, to make a quantum leap forward is a quest that I believe possesses most of us. There is a hunger inside of us (sometimes self-imposed and sometimes from external forces… i.e. parents, spouses, bosses) to break...
I once witnessed the power of humility in the flesh. A few years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to take a few courses on Scripture at the College of Biblical Studies. This was a late in life endeavor as I was not someone who grew up reading the bible,...
Mike’s Podcast Series
Book: EQuip to Lead
The Extraordinary Power of Emotional Intelligence
If you want greater influence at work, if you want to be the leader people want to work with and follow, there is no more valuable resource than EQuip to Lead.
Have you ever got to the end of a week of heavy calls without much to show for the effort? Making calls IS important – but more important than the number of dials is your daily gameplay to create the exact results you’re aiming for.