by Mike Lejeune | Apr 19, 2017 | Blog, Business, Motivation, Sport
I walked into the house, sighing as I drop my keys on the counter with a thud. It’s been a long day of grinding through reports, dealing with irritated customers, co-workers expounding on how management doesn’t understand the strain everyone is working under,...
by Mike Lejeune | Oct 4, 2016 | Art, Blog, Business, Design, Future Trends, Motivation
Connectivity… You finally did it! The perfect lamp that both accents the room and casts just the right amount of light rests next to the couch. The one shrouded elegantly, yet with warmth by a shade matching the accent colors of the small stitches in the...
by Mike Lejeune | Nov 17, 2015 | Blog, Business, Motivation
Melt downs are catastrophic for nuclear reactors. A hiring melt down will also destroy morale and teamwork when we hire someone prone to melt down under duress or crisis. When I joined Steverson & Company to start the accounting search and contract...