by Mike Lejeune | Oct 4, 2016 | Art, Blog, Business, Design, Future Trends, Motivation
Connectivity… You finally did it! The perfect lamp that both accents the room and casts just the right amount of light rests next to the couch. The one shrouded elegantly, yet with warmth by a shade matching the accent colors of the small stitches in the...
by Mike Lejeune | Aug 11, 2016 | Blog, Business, Future Trends, Motivation
I once witnessed the power of humility in the flesh. A few years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to take a few courses on Scripture at the College of Biblical Studies. This was a late in life endeavor as I was not someone who grew up reading the bible,...
by Mike Lejeune | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog, Business, Future Trends, Motivation
I’m finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. Not because of illness or fatigue. It’s because of the frenzy being created from rhetoric spouted at both the Republican and Democratic conventions, then whipped up like a California wildfire by the media. It seems...