The recruiting process is supposedly designed to ferret out talent a potential employee possesses, to provide insight in selecting the right person to join our team. So why do people appear to succeed in previous roles, then fall short of expectations when we...
The search for dramatic change in our lives, to make a quantum leap forward is a quest that I believe possesses most of us. There is a hunger inside of us (sometimes self-imposed and sometimes from external forces… i.e. parents, spouses, bosses) to break...
I’m finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning. Not because of illness or fatigue. It’s because of the frenzy being created from rhetoric spouted at both the Republican and Democratic conventions, then whipped up like a California wildfire by the media. It seems...
Attention is currently being placed on the selection of our next Supreme Court Justice. Hopefully congressional review will provide the necessary insight to pick the right person for the job. Our interview process is similar, trying to ask meaningful questions...
Are you one of the 65 million YouTube views who have watched a Miss America contestant attempt to answer impromptu questions on global warming, world peace or why American youths have trouble finding the US on a map? The world watched these brave young women...
If you want greater influence at work, if you want to be the leader people want to work with and follow, there is no more valuable resource than EQuip to Lead.
Have you ever got to the end of a week of heavy calls without much to show for the effort? Making calls IS important – but more important than the number of dials is your daily gameplay to create the exact results you’re aiming for.